Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ok I think I remember some people posting things like this if this has already been done I appologize....but I saw this as my friends away message tonight and I couldn't resist because it is all so true!

You know you're a 90's kid if:

*You've ever ended a sentence with the word sike!
*You can sing the rap to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air
*You remember when it was actually worth getting up on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons
*You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail Day at school
*You remember reading Goosebumps
*You know the profound meaning of "wax on" "wax off"
*You still get the urge to say "not" after every sentence
*Captain Planet
*Trapper Keeper
*You ever got injured on a slip n slide
*Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack all dressed in black black black
*You played or collected pogs
*You had at least one Tamagotchi/Gigapet/Nanobaby
*You remember when the new beanie babies were all sold out
*You've gotten creeped out by Are You Afraid of the Dark
*Talk to the hand
*You thought Brain would finally take over the world
*You always said..."then why don't you marry it"
*Light up Sneakers
*Heads up Seven up
*Did I do that???

1 comment:

Rachel C. said...

ahh krissy thatis soo great! Pogs!!! beanie babies!! trapper keepers!!!mwah hahahahaha!good stuff.. oh yea nano babies!!, by the way those tamagotchies are comng back...oh boy