Thursday, December 25, 2008

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. ~Elisabeth Foley

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Portfolio Time!

Well the semester has drawn to an end. This means I will be getting a life back and MAYBE even post regularly. I only have 3 days left student teaching.... it's bittersweet. I love my students but it has been very challenging. Now my final project is to create a portfolio to represent myself as a's taking forever!

But good news! My principal did an official observation of me teaching and told me she wants me at their it looks like I will be applying there for next this really happening? I never thought I would be a PA girl.

Enjoy the pics of my little kids :)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Joys of Kindergarten

Setting: We were practicing what to do during a fire drill because we were told we were having one the next day. We explain how it's just a test and it's nothing to get upset about. We lined the kids up, walked outside, and turned to face the building.A woman walks out.....

Bobby: Be careful! There might be a fire in there tomorrow!

Then the following day... Bobby runs full speed outside as soon as the bell rings. We finally catch him and line everyone up. We are told we can go back inside when Bobby bursts into tears in line. I tried to calm him down and figure out what in the world could be wrong with him. I finally got him to talk, and in between his tears, this is what he said:


My roommates have come to expect a "Bobby" story everyday when I come home.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Random pictures from my life!

We ended up getting 2nd place in rec volleyball. :( I wish we won but we lost to a team that has a 7 ft tall giant on it....go i think thats an ok excuse.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

So I have always enjoyed playing volleyball...even though the only thing I'm good at is serving. This fall some of my guy friends begged my roommates and I to join their rec volleyball team. In order to play "beach volleyball" outside you have to have at least two girls on the team. I really didn't want to because I was intimidated and didn't want to make them upset when I messed up. BUT they insisted we all play. Our first game was 2-1. Even though we didn't win, we were still happy that we won one game in the set! After that we won two games against other teams... making our overall score 2 wins to one loss.

Then last night happened. The guys that live across the hall from us have been taunting us and talking "smack" saying that they were going to win. We were scheduled to play them last night, and to be honest, i think we all kind of thought they would win. They are good volleyball players. They have a system. Bump. Middle front person sets. Then a big guy spikes. It's uniform.....My team on the other hand...not so conventional. We are diving all over the place, doing anything to hit it over. The guys constantly surround the girls just in case we hit it the wrong direction or something. ANYWAY the guys across the hall know what they are doing, while we basically do anything we can.

It turned out to be an intense game... neck and neck the whole time. We managed to win the first game and we could tell they were completely shocked. We should have won the 2nd game, but made stupid mistakes and lost in overtime. Then it came down to the 3rd game and we were 4 points behind. I think we all lost hope. Then out of no where we caught back up. (At one point i got spiked in the face by my own team hahaha) Anyway we had gone and finally they were like ok next point wins. It was my turn to serve... and I won the winning point! How crazy is that? If i hadn't have gotten it over, they would have won!

Sorry this is a long post. It's just really funny to me. I never thought we'd be good. But after the game the guys across the hall were extremely mad. We were afraid to talk to them (even though we knew if they had won that they would have rubbed it in our faces...but thats the difference between girls and guys i guess). Levi ended up bringing over candy for us girls as a peace offering I guess. We had laundry riding on the game... but I think i might give them a break haha

Monday, September 15, 2008

Freshman year I was randomly assigned to be on the 3rd floor of Solly. I didn't know anyone and no one knew me. Who would have thought that I would continue to live with these girls all four years of college? Although some of the friendships from freshman year have faded and new ones have developed, I still have my Solly girls by my side! My college career wouldn't have been the same without them!

***Kara and Jules (the Asian and the girl with dark brown hair) have birthdays in the summer so we never really get to celebrate them. This year we decided to have a surprise party for them. I baked a cake and we decorated the apartment and invited probably 30 of our closest friends over. They were completely surprised and had no idea what was going on. ANYWAY, I say that because after the party, some of our friends were taking roommate pics for us...and these are two of them!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My First Day of Kindergarten!

One of the guys across the hall kindly got up at 7 am last Friday to take a picture of Heather and I on our first day visiting our class that we are student teaching in. We go in every Friday for 5 weeks and then start full time October 6th. Right now we are taking other classes everyday and participating in workshops. It's a little overwhelming, but I know it will be fun! I go in again tomorrow. Right now we are doing assessments for the students to try and figure out who should be placed in the Extended Day Kindergarten Program. These are the students that could use extra help, especially in literacy.

Anyway pray for me! So far one of the boys colored himself from head to toe with red marker claiming to be spiderman. hahah I wasn't there for the actual incident but it was interesting that he was able to do this without the teacher knowing haha Good Times.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I'm backkkkkkkkkk!

I have so many stories and pictures but I can't do it all now. I'm just letting you know that I survived the trip and loved it. my words will not be able to come close to describing Costa Rica or the people I met there and on the trip! I feel like a part of me is missing now even though i'm real excited to be home.

i'll post pics and or stories soon!