Friday, December 09, 2005

So I told myself that I would lock myself in my room this week to study....but when you have 3 other roomates I guess that doesn't happen.

Wednesday MC has a "deck the halls" competition. And naturally, Solly 3rd won! Every part of the hall was decorated, one part was a candy making place, one was a reindeer pin (where we had someone dressed up as a reindeer), there was a post office, a toy factory. in the kitched we made sugar cookies and icing for people to decorate cookies. This is also where my friend Jamie, I mean Santa, sat in her office haha. shes so funny. She was like 'why do i always get stuck being the guy in everything we do!'

Last night, Thursday, Bre Julianne Keena and I went to the wrestling match. It was fun going again because I used to be the manager of Bennetts wrestling team and it had been a long time since i saw a match! Bre Julianne and I painted M C on our cheeks and we won t-shirts! At the match there was this one man that had on a sparkly purple mask, a blue bow tie, ot pink shirt, and tie dye pants...... he was an oldman and no one knew who he was.... he won a sweatshirt for school spirit though haha. One of the wrestlers said that he was going to find us singlets to wear over our clothes for next time so that we will win a better prize........ we will see about that. hahahah

So i was invited to go to a Relient K concert tonight for only 15 bucks....... I know I shouldnt go...... but 15 BUCKS! I don't know when I will ever study!!!!

I hope that everyone who was fortunate enough to see the midnight showing last night had an awesome time! I'm jealous but I'll see it when i come the way thats 6 flipping days! w00t w00t! My dad is picking me up in his new truck! I'm excited, i think it will be fun driving back with him.

Oh and by the way..... the snow cancelled by first 2 classes today....all i have to say is... it was amazing getting 3 extra hours of sleep and not having to go to an 8 o clock class :) haha


Rachel C. said...

tell me you went to teh relient k concert!!!! ahh!

KristenAnne said...

yes yes i did. they had two opening bands and it was amazing! it was so much fun hahah

faith said...

hey goober, you should post more. :)