Monday, January 23, 2006

Hey everyone! I'll be home from Tuesday afternoon until Sunday so if you want to do anything give me a call :)

This weekend was very interesting....Friday night some of the girls and I went to a "White Out" party that some of the lacrosse players were throwing. You are supposed to wear all white, but My friends and I must have left all the white pants we own at home...haha so we wore jeans. Then we went to this apartment on campus and they had black lights on so all our white glowed in the dark. People then had highlighters that they were writting on eachother with. I asked Nicki to draw a star on my arm, but it ended up looking more like a leaf hahaha. But anyway then it was a big dance party and it was so fun! Bre and I decided that we are going to do that in our quad. Aimee is bringing back a strobe light and maybe ill find a black light or something. But i think it would be fun! After the party some of us went to a diner and then to WalMart...which we eventually got kicked out of for no reason...and I'm not just saying that. THe first thing they said when we walked in was "you might as well leave because if you do one thing we will kick you out" and next thing we know we are being followed. I'm sure it did look suspsious having 10 18/19 year olds walking around in a gang or something haha but it was seriously ridiculous bc we did nothihng wrong.

Saturday I got ahead on some school work and then I went to Friendlys that night for dinner! It was fun. The food was actually good and I dont remember the food at the one we had in Salisbury being anything special. The icecream of course was amazing!

Sunday my brother and I went over to my uncles house for dinner and that was a lot of fun! Home cooked meals rock haha My brother and I talked about singing a song together for a coffee house soon. I hope that it works out!

Anyway I'll see you guys soon!

this is like the 100th time ive tried to post this.......i hope it works


linnea said...

yo-that's really cool! When I went up to Washington College in October one of Hayley's friends was talking about a "Highlighter Party" she had gone to -- I guess it's the same thing.

cool man, I'm glad you had a good weekend.

faith said...

fun fun. YAY for new posts. Krissy, it is always fun to read about your adventures. Thanks for letting us all tag along. :)

Anna P said...

Good times in the ole state of PA! Keep having fun... I enjoy reading of your adventures. :)

Rachel Taylor said...

Ha ha, Yeah, Linnea. And I distincly remember thinking that that was one of the coolest ideas ever!!

Anonymous said...

Walmart is always on the lookout for the "White-shirt gang".
***Mrs. T