Saturday, December 13, 2008

Portfolio Time!

Well the semester has drawn to an end. This means I will be getting a life back and MAYBE even post regularly. I only have 3 days left student teaching.... it's bittersweet. I love my students but it has been very challenging. Now my final project is to create a portfolio to represent myself as a's taking forever!

But good news! My principal did an official observation of me teaching and told me she wants me at their it looks like I will be applying there for next this really happening? I never thought I would be a PA girl.

Enjoy the pics of my little kids :)

1 comment:

linnea said...

Krissy, I am so proud of you! I can't believe you are such a woman! I really can't tell you how my heart swelled with joy looking at this post! You have accomplished SO MUCH, and have worked so hard. Praise Jehovah!